
















Honoka Fujita has studied in various countries before settling in the UK in 1985. After studying with Raphael Wallfisch at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, she has performed in many prestigious venues including the Wigmore Hall, Barbican Hall and the Queen Elizabeth Hall.

Honoka Fujita was born in Japan. She started to study the cello under Una O'Sullivan and Joan Lavelle in Ireland, then continued her studies with Prof.Uzi Wiesel, Tel Aviv, Israel, then with Jennifer Ward Clarke in London.

She entered the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, and graduated with B.Mus.(Hons), followed by Concert Recital Diploma (Premier Prix) in 1997, studying with both Jennifer Ward Clarke and Raphael Wallfisch.

Honoka has won many prizes including; Semi-finalist at Maria Canals International Competition (Barcelona, 1996), First Prize Toussaint Memorial Bach Prize (GSMD), First Prize John and Edith Pleeth Memorial Sonata Prize (GSMD), First Prize Elsie Doris Moss Memorial Concerto Prize (GSMD), First Prize Chamber Music Prize (GSMD), First Prize First Year Cello Prize (GSMD), Finalist Dorothy Adams String Quartet Prize (GSMD).

Honoka has played the Beethoven Triple concerto with her sisters at the major venues including the Barbican Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Radio Hall, Bucharest - which was broadcasted live by TV and Radio, and the Brahms Double Concerto at the St.John's Smith Square.

With her sisters, she has played at major venues including the Wigmore Hall, St.John's Smith Square, St.Martin-in-the-fields Church, the Crucible Theatre (Sheffield), the Salisbury Festival, the Ateneum Hall (Bucharest), the Salle Willfried Pelletier of the Place des Arts (Montreal), Cemal Resit Rey Hall, (Istanbul, Turkey), Instituto Giapponese di Cultura (Rome), Egyptian Opera House Small Hall (Cairo), Musse dus Beaux Arts (Alexandria, Egypt), Complexe Sidi Belyout (Casablanca, Morocco), Ahmed Bahnini Concert Hall (Rabat, Morocco).

Honoka has recorded the chamber music works by Takemitsu for ASV Records, Tchaikovsky Piano Trio, Shostakovich No.1 and No.2 Piano Trios, Ravel Piano Trio, Schubert Piano Trio No.1 and No.2, Dvorak 'Dumky' Piano Trio, Smetana Piano Trio and the Mendelssohn Trios with the Swedish label Intim Musik.

Future engagements include concerts in Sweden and throughout the UK.

"Honoka Fujita's cello sounds especially warm and masculine, her playing is impulsive and very poetic."
Fanfare magazine (USA) 2008 Shostakovich/Ravel Piano Trio CD